by admin | Apr 24, 2012 | Current supply lists
The following items with a (*) are required for the first day of class: 2 to 3 wax carvers #1* (these will be made into different wax carving tools) 1 wax Carver #5 * 1 wax file, 7” * 1 alcohol Lamp (glass)* 1 dozen wax sawblades 3 sticks yellow sticky wax 1 pair of...
by admin | Apr 24, 2012 | Inactive supply lists
(1) 9×12 spiral bound drawing pad (Canson or Strathmore brand)
by admin | Mar 29, 2012 | Current supply lists
Supply List: (1) #23 raising hammer (the school will furnish the hammer for the first class) 1 solder pick (1) #1 or #00 half round economy file (1) #2 half round file (may use inside ring file) (1) 4, 5, or 6 inch jeweler’s saw frame assorted saw blades (at...